


Peru Nature, Head Water of the Amazon Tambopata Candamo River Trip Itinerary

Reception at Juliaca. We board the bus that will be taking us across the altiplano over a 15,000´ pass and down to the jungle, to our put-in on the edge of the Amazon Basin. (B+L+D)

As we leave the last traces of civilization behind, we enter a pristine rain forest using the river as a highway. We will raft down the Tambopta River camping on sandy beaches where we will have a chance to encounter wildlife. (B+L+D).  

DAY 4+5+6+7+8 : RIO TAMBOPATA :
Surrounded by lush vegetation, we will run class III and IV rapids. There is also  a good chance of seeing monkeys, capybaras, tapirs and giant river otters, among other animals. Our journey will take us through to the macaw lick, where we will spend the night camping on the river shore. At the crack of dawn, we will see a rowdy crowd of macaws with their variegated brilliance spattering the clay riverbank. Later, a dugout motor canoe will meet us  to take us to the frontier town of Puerto Maldonado, where we will spend the night in a hotel. Here, our services will end. (B+L).

Early morning flight from Puerto Maldonado back to Cusco. 
At this point, you can take an optional trip in Cusco and Machupicchu.  

- All rafting equipment (self -bailing rafts).
- Professional guides, cooks etc. 
- Transportation from Juliaca to the river.
- Double occupancy tents.
- All meals while on the trip

-Flights to Juliaca or from Puerto Maldonado.
- Meals while in the cities
- Personal equipment and clothing.


Puerto Maldonado  

This is the richest zones in the peruvian jungle. A small jungle town located at the junction of the Madre de Dios and Tambopata rivers remains unchanged. Its jungle is the most remote and least explored in Perú. Among its tourist attractions are around 1,000 bird species what significates 1 of each 9 species existing on earth .From this place can be arranged visits to the Manu national Park, the Sandoval River and the isthmus of Fitzcarraldo. CLIMATE : Hot, tropical and humid. We recommend:


- Navigate in Madre de Dios and Tambopata River
- Manu National Park
- The Sandoval Lake
- Lagoons and different species of flora and fauna


Puerto Maldonado and Tambopata

Tourist Attractions

Province of Tambopata

Colpa de Guacamayos de Colorado
Inside the Tambopata National Reserve and 150 km / 93 miles
from Puerto Maldonado (12 hours by boat)
The “colpa” (macaw clay lick) is a place where macaws congregate, formed along the shores of the river due to certain erosion processes that allowed the formation of soil rich in mineral salts. It is approximately 50 meters / 164 feet high, 500 meters / 1640 feet long, and is considered the largest in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest. Every morning, six different species of macaws, parrots, and parakeets gather there. These colorful birds fly around the colpa before starting the “colpeo”, which consists in eating the clay found on the cliff and serves as a nutritional supplement. After staying there from twenty-five to thirty minutes, they fly away to come back the next day. Occasionally, Brazilian tapirs, capybaras, and squirrels go there. At the top of the trees, different species of monkeys like the red howler, the caupuchin, the titi, and sometimes even spider monkeys can be seen.

Sandoval Lake
10 km / 6 miles from Puerto Maldonado (25 minutes by a 55 HP boat). To reach the lake, you must walk 5 km / 3 miles from the shore of the river to the interior (1 hour and 30 minutes)
It is approximately 3 km / 2 miles long, 1 km / 0,6 miles wide, and 0.5 centimeters / 0,1 inches to 3 meters / 10 feet deep. The water remains at an average temperature of 26ºC (79.8ºF), and a huge amount of fish live there. It is surrounded by aguajales, swampy areas where, among other exotic species, a native palm tree called aguaje grows. Along with the local vegetation, you can see orchids, wild plantains, and milpesos palms, giant kapoks, mahoganys, and 30 meter / 98 feet aguaje palm trees.

In this habitat lives a great variety of birds, like cormorants, toucans, macaws, parrots, horned screamers, and herons. In addition, there is a colorful variety of wild hens called hoatzin or shansho whish heads are topped with feathers. With some luck, tapirs, turtles, and giant otters or “river wolves” can be seen as well as different species of crocodiles, like the black caiman.

Valencia Lake
60 km / 37 miles from Puerto Maldonado (4 hours by 55 HP boat)
The lake is 15 km / 9 miles long, 800 meters / 2625< feet wide, and between 0,5 and 15 meter / 1,6 and 49 feet deep, and thanks to its trees and fish, it is considered a privileged spot.]
Around the lake, there are trees like the pumaquiro, the quinilla, the cedar, the giant kapok, the dwarf fan palm tree, and the Brazil nut tree. Among its animal life, the more exotic are bearded guans, turtles (charapas and big headed motelos), crocodiles, monkeys, cormorants, and herons.

The wealth of its waters allows both the Huarayos natives and the settlers of its surrounding areas to make a living from fishing for tiger shovelnose catfish, palometas, gilded catfish, piranhas, and paiches. These last ones, though, are not a native species but were brought to the lake. Along with fishing, another important economic activity is the collection of Brazil nuts.

Bahuaja-Sonene National Park
90 km / 56 miles from Puerto Maldonado (4 to 5 hours in a 55 HP boat).
This national park was established in order to protect the only tropical humid savanna that exists in Peru. The park is located between the Madre de Dios and Puno departments in the provinces of Tambopata, Carabaya, and Sandia. It has an area of 1'091.416 hectares, and part of it is in Bolivia. The most important animals that can be found there are the maned wolf, the marsh deer, the giant anteater, the river wolf or giant otter, the bush dog, the black caiman and the harpy eagle.

Tambopata National Reserve
45 km / 28 miles south of Puerto Maldonado (2 hours by motorboat). There is also an alternative route: 25 km / 16 miles by land (by 4x4 vehicle) to the community of Infierno and then a river crossing to the reserve (2 hours by 55 HP motor boat)
Located between the basins of the Tambopata and Heath Rivers, the reserve covers an area of 274.690 hectares and is found in both the Madre de Dios and Puno departments. The wealth of its biodiversity is immeasurable, and scientist have already registered 632 bird species, 1200 butterfly species, 169 mammal species, 205 fish species, 103 amphibian species, and 67 reptile species. The vegetation is typical of tropical regions. To enter the reserve, prior authorization from INRENA is required.


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