Iquitos (Heliconia Lodge) - 03 días / 02 noches

Incluye: Tour al Amazonas y visita a una Comunidad Nativa. 2 noches de alojamiento en Heliconia Amazon River Lodge con pensión completa. Caminata por la selva. Paseo nocturno en canoa. Tour de observación de Delfines rosados. Tour de observación de aves. Tour de pesca. Visita a un trapiche artesanal. Traslados.

Notas: Precio por persona en habitación doble. No incluye ticket aéreo.



Situated in the north oriental zone of Perú on the border with Colombia and Brasil. The capital Iquitos city is located in the left margin of Amazonas River, the most voluminous and widest in the world. The climate is tropical, hot and humid. Iquitos preserves a mixture of European and indigenous architecture. For a distance it is flanked by the rivers Itaya and Nanay and by the Moronacocha lake.

Many lodges located along the Amazon river are offered for tourists. Some of these can be visited on a day's excursion.


Walks through the jungle,bird and butterfly watching can be enjoyed, and visits can be made to the Jibaros and Yaguas indians.

We recommend:

- The Amazon River
- Walks through the Jungle
- A visit to indian tribes called Jibaros and Yaguas
- "La Casa del Hierro", designed by Eiffel


Main Church
Main Square, Iquitos.
This Neo-gothic church was built between 1911 and 1924. The building has just one nave and features a carved wood pulpit on the right hand side. The Swiss clock, installed in 1925, is an interesting detail.

Historic Buildings
Iquitos harbors, between the jungle's lushness and the Amazon's mysterious murmur, a series of architectural gems that surprise the traveler for the beauty of their forms and for the peculiarity of their style; these are the traces left over from the rubber barons, powerful land owners that made the jungle of Peru a true commercial paradise at the end of the nineteenth century.

As part of the inheritance from the epoch, some singularly designed vestiges still remain: palaces richly decorated with Arabic bricks (the Rocha, Morey, and Cohen houses), Art Nouveau buildings (former Palace Hotel), or the celebrated residence designed by Gustave Eiffel, constructed with metal girders transported by hundred of men through the jungle.

Tarapaca or Boulevard Seawall
One block from the Main Square on the banks of the Itaya River.
It was built during the pinnacle of rubber fever and was named in memory of the fallen heroes in the war against Chile. From there, you can see the attractive landscape of the Itaya River and the floating neighborhood of Belen. There are many important historical monuments, houses, and cafes placed along its length. The wall has been remodeled, and now features wide sidewalks, small plazas with gardens, and one rotunda, a monument to the biodiversity, myths, and legends of the Amazonian region.

Municipal Museum of Natural Science
Napo 224. Telephone: (065) 23-4272. Visiting hours: Mon. – Fri. 7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.; Sat. 8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
It exhibits dissected animals native to the department and a collection of local handicrafts.

Amazonian Museum
Malecon Tarapaca 386. Telephone: (065) 23-1072 (prefecture); 23-4031 (INC). Visiting hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. and 3:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Sat. 9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
It was built in 1863. What stands out the most in the museum are the large windows ending in semi-circular arches and protected by strong iron bars, the decoratively carved wooden interior walls, and the furniture designed in the fashion of the time. It preserves a collection of more than 80 life-sized fiberglass sculptures representing the main ethnic groups found in the Peruvian, Brazilian, and Venezuelan Amazon Rainforest and a photographic retelling of the city history. It shares the premises with the Military Museum.

Amazonian Library
Malecon Tarapaca 354. Telephone: (065) 24-2353. Visiting hours: Mon. 3:30 P.M. – 6:45 P.M.; Tues. – Fri. 8:30 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. and 3:30 P.M. – 6:45 P.M. Sat. 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
The library keeps specialized books, photographic archives, newspapers and magazines, movies, maps, prints, and paintings; it also displays objects of historical value and ancient editions of the Bible. Local topics are its area of specialty. The library was built in 1873 to be only one-story, but the second was built in 1903. The successive, large windows protected with iron grates stand out.

Port and Village of Belen
Located on the left bank of the Itaya River, southeast of Iquitos. Morning visits are recommended.
Its origins date back to the beginning of the twentieth century, and it is composed of homes built on top of balsa wood rafts that float on the waters during the flood season. It is a traditional regional style. With the passage of time and the increase in population, the style has changed and more houses are built on a fixed construction on top of wooden pillars, some of them of two stories. During the dry season, people use both floors, but during the flood season, only the second floor is used; since the entire lower zone of Belen remains under water, the population uses boats and canoes for transport, which is why it is considered the “Venice of Loreto”. Belen has two districts: the upper zone where the Belen market and main warehouse are and the lower zone, an informal port and lively commercial center for jungle goods. Today, there are buildings of high quality materials.

It is possible to take boat rides on the Amazon and Itaya Rivers.

Quistococha Tourist Center
Close to kilometer marker 7 of the Iquitos-Nauta highway, southwest of Iquitos (30 minutes by car). Visiting hours: Mon. – Sun. 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
The center is located near Lake Quistococha. The complex covers an area of 369 hectares of natural forest and also an artificial beach where visitors can swim, sunbathe, and enjoy the white sand and lovely landscape. You can row a boat on the lake and hike in the nearby areas.

Puerto Almendra
12 km / 7 miles from the Iquitos Airport control booth (30 minutes by car). Turn off 100 meters / 328 feet before Quistococha.
The El Huayo Arboretum and Botanical Garden is located there. It is managed by the Puerto Almendra Center for Forestry Research and Training. The center maintains parcels of representative tree species of the Nanay River basin. You can walk the ecological paths, hike, and visit the local farms.

Lake Zungarococha
12 km / 7 miles from the Iquitos Airport control booth (30 minutes by car).
It is located on the left bank of the Nanay River and is perfect for swimming or taking canoe rides through the beautiful countryside. Close to the lake is a small pond, Corrientillo, where you can eat traditional food.

Santo Tomas Village
16 km / 10 miles from Iquitos (45 minutes by car).
It is situated on the banks of the canal that links the Nanay River with Lake Mapacocha, an excellent spot to water ski and to take boat or canoe rides. Nearby, there is a motocross track. The area is inhabited by a Cocama Cocamilla indigenous farming community whose main economic activities are fishing and ceramic making.

Santa Clara
12 km / 7 miles south of Iquitos on the banks of the Nanay River (30 minutes by car). Turn off 500 meters / 1640 feet before the airport.
During the dry season (July – December) when the Nanay River water level decreases, beautiful, white sandy beaches are formed in front of Santa Clara and other areas, perfect for swimming, tanning, or even camping. It is one of the most attractive spots in the area around Iquitos.

Lake Rumococha
4 km / 2 miles from the Iquitos Airport control booth on the banks of the Nanay River (15 minutes by car).
It looks like a closed arch and is known for calm waters full of fish.

San Juan Artisanal Market
Kilometer marker 4.5 of Avenida Abelardo Quiñónez.
This market produces and sells a large diversity of regional handicrafts like knitted plant fiber articles, wood carvings, diverse ceramic pieces with typical motifs, “llanchama” tree bark paintings, typical clothing, leather goods, typical drinks, and many others. There is a room for Amazonian culture exhibitions and a wooden amphitheater for artistic presentations.

Bellavista Nanay Pier
North of Iquitos (10 minutes by motorcycle taxi) on the left bank of the Nanay River.
From here, boats depart towards different destinations like the Boras indigenous community of San Andres and the Padre Cocha and Manacamiri farming communities, where tourist activities related to the traditions of the villages are available. You can rent a boat to ride on the Nanay River and to visit the nearby communities.

Padre Cocha
20 minutes from the village of Bellavista by motorboat on the left bank of the Nanay River.
The Cocama Cocamilla people live here, a community of artisans mainly dedicated to making ceramics. From there, you can visit the Boras tribe and go to the Pilpintuwasi butterfly farm.




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