

Santiago de Chile- CHILE  

This is a cosmopolitan city on the banks of the Mapocho river. It is a vibrant city in its urban geography, surrounded by picturesquely traditional villages and full of modern buildings of futuristic architecture. This is Santiago, the capital of Chile, one of the most important financial hubs of South America.
Streets redolent of the past. Avenues that lead you towards the future. Santiago thrills, seduces and enlightens you. It is a forgetful giant, hardly remembering that not so long ago it was just a "bunch of buildings" strung out at the foot of the Santa Lucia Hill.


It was centuries ago, on February 12th 1541, when Pedro de Valdivia founded Santiago de la Nueva Extremadura, not realizing that 6 months later the small village would be attacked by the brave Mapuches , and that centuries later it would become the political, cultural, administrative and economic center of one of the most dynamic and progressive countries in South America.
Throughout its history, this capital has collected a series of architectural treasures that compel you to walk through it slowly in order to discover splendid buildings like the Red House, a colonial style construction of 1769, which has been turned into a Museum and the "Palacio de la Moneda" (Palace of the Mint) (1805) - in the neo-classical style and the seat of the Chilean government. What is more, you have its splendid Cathedral, built in 1785.
There are also other important spots, such as the extensive parks and the majestic Art Museum, opened in 1910, a conservative touch that provides a contrast with the adventurous design of the modern buildings and the bohemian atmosphere of the suburbs, where the surroundings invite one to take a break and have a coffee.
The capital of Chile (543 m. above sea level) is not only attractive because of its architectural contrast between the past and the present, or its busy cultural agenda, but also because of its luxurious hotels and tempting restaurants, where you can enjoy a delicious empanada (pasty) or succulent fish and seafood, while savoring magnificent wines. SPANISH VERSION

The city is ideally located between beaches and snow-covered mountains, a perfect spot for visiting the exciting snowy ski runs towering 50 kilometers away, or the refreshing beaches of Viña del Mar, near Valparaiso.
Santiago has a pleasant Mediterranean climate, with an average temperature of 14° Celsius. What is more, it offers you the "wine routes", fascinating tours to different vineyard valleys, where you are not only able to savor exquisite beverages, but also find nourishment in Chilean culture and share a good drink with the people of this fascinating land.

Viña del Mar - CHILE  

Beaches and parks. Tranquility on its sunny mornings, exciting bohemian activities during its sparkling nights. Viña del Mar: a quietly enchanting city. Viña del Mar: lithe suntanned bodies lying on beaches washed by the Pacific. Viña del Mar: Chile's most important beach resort and one of the main seaside resorts in South America.

Unending peace and quiet on its refreshing beaches and pleasant walks along streets surrounded by lovely greenery and flowers, turning Viña del Mar into a "Garden City" with dreamily beautiful places such as the Quinta Vergara, the Sausalito lake and the National Botanical Gardens.



A mixture of new and old buildings, countless parks and gardens, beautiful mansions, luxurious hotels, and even a casino complete the urban landscape of this coastal city founded on December 29, 1874 by engineer Jose Francisco Vergara Echevers.

A destination not to be missed. A sure stop-off 9 kilometers northeast of Valparaiso. Viña del Mar, a sunlit haven, a city and beach resort where the Pacific sea breeze wafts the eternal sound of breakers.

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