

Nazca - Full Day (Sobrevuelo)

Full Day Incluye: Tkts Bus Lima/Ica/Lima servicio Ejecutivo. Traslado en privado Ica/Nasca/Ica. Sobrevuelo a las Líneas de Nasca. Visita Museo Maria Reiche. Traslados, Entradas, asistencia permanente.

Notas: Mínimo dos personas. Precio por Pax en Dólares Americano e Incluye Impuestos 19%. Precios por cantidad de personas.


 Nazca Turístico - 02 días / 01 noche

Incluye: Bus turístico servicio Royal Class Lima/Nazca/Lima. 01 noche de alojamiento con desayuno continental inlcuído. Sobrevuelo a las Líneas de Nazca.

Notas: Tarifa por persona en habitación doble.




The department of Ica is located on the southern coast of Perú. The Paracas Resource is an hours drive from Ica, where the Paracas Culture developed one, which was famous for its valuable textiles.Some of these are preserved in the small Antropological Museum. From Paracas, by yacht, you can visit the Ballestas Islands to see the varied marine species, guano birds, sea lions and Pelicans.

The city of Nazca is within the Department of Ica, famous for its San José pampas and their enormous and perfect drawings on hard sand, depicting animals,


spiral lines and geometric figures which are clearly seen from the air.

We recommend:

- The Ecological Reservation of Paracas
- The Museum of Paracas
- A flight over the Nazca Lines
- The Ballestas Islands
- The Candelabrum.

Tourist Attractions


-Antonini Didactic Museum
Avenida La Cultura 600. Telephone (056) 52-3444, Fax (056) 52-3100. Visiting hours: Mon. – Sun. 9:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.
A collection of archaeological pieces of the different stages of the Nasca culture as well as trophy heads, musical instruments like pan flutes, textiles, mummies, etc. are exhibited in this museum. These discoveries are the result of the excavations done in “Cahuachi”, the largest mud maid ceremonial center in the world. The museum also provides the chance to see the Bisambra canal, which shows the magnificent hydraulic engineering work of the Nascas.

-Nasca Lines
Pampas of San Jose. 25 km / 16 miles from Nasca (15 minutes). Kilometer marker 149 of the Pan-American Highway South
It is a vast network of lines and drawings of animals and plants credited to the Nasca culture covering an area of approximately 350 km2 / 135 miles2. Some of the best drawn figures are the hummingbird, the dog, the monkey, and the long-tailed mockingbird. The German, Maria Reiche, devoted 50 years of her life to studying and researching the area and came to the conclusion that it was an astronomical calendar. From a 12 meter / 39 feet lookout, you can partially observe the shapes of the hand and the tree. However, in order to appreciate the drawings fully, it is recommended to fly over the area in a small airplane. The Nasca Lines were placed on the World Cultural Heritage List in 1994.

Kilometer marker 1 of the Nasca-Puquio Highway (5 minutes from Nasca)
It is an archaeological site that probably was an Inca administrative center. Formed by numerous rooms, terraces, and patios, its buildings have stone foundations and adobe walls.

-Cantalloc Aqueduct
4 km / 2 miles from Nasca (15 minutes)
It is an aqueduct built by the Nasca culture which still works today. Flagstones and acacia trunks were used to build it and they have resisted the march of time.

-Cahuachi Ceremonial Center
30 km / 19 miles western of Nasca (30 minutes)
This complex of truncated adobe pyramids built by the Nascas features a patio and a wide terrace with covered rooms. On top of the main temples, huge rooms with dozens of columns were found. The majority of these pyramids were abandoned during the fifth and sixth centuries A.D.



-Cathedral, city of Ica
Main Square. Visiting hours: Mon. - Sun. during mass times
The original construction dates from the eighteenth century, but it was remodeled in 1814. The outside of the church is of neoclassical style, and inside the Baroque style prevails as seen in the pulpit and altars.

-The Lord of Luren Sanctuary
Calle Ayacucho, block 10. Visiting hours: Mon. – Sun. during mass times
A Neoclassical church. The Lord of Luren is considered the patron saint of the city. During the Holy Week and the third week of October, thousands of believers gather to follow his statue in a procession.

-Adolfo Bermudez Jenkins Regional Museum
Avenida Ayabaca, block 8. Telephone: (056) 23-4383 / 23-2881. Visiting Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. Sat. and holidays 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Sun. 9:00 A.M. – 1:30 P.M.
It featured a collection of pieces from the Paracas, Nasca, Huari, Ica, and Inca cultures. There are also Colonial canvases and furniture and some Republican objects.

-Marquis of Torre Hermosa House
Calle Libertad, block 1, Main Square.
It is one of the few examples of Vice-royal architecture that has survived earthquakes and urban growth. It possesses an exquisite Rococo façade worked in stone. It is also known as the Casa Bolivar since it lodged the Liberator during his stay in the city.

-Vista Alegre Bodega
3 km / 2 miles northeast of Ica (10 minutes). Telephone: (056) 23-2929 / 23-8735. Visiting hours: Mon. – Fri. 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M., Sat. – Sun. 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
A traditional bodega dedicated to the elaboration of wine and pisco, it still maintains characteristics of Colonial practices of grape processing.

-Tacama Vineyard
7 km / 4 miles northeast of Ica (45 minutes). Telephone: (056) 22-8395 7 22-8394. Visiting hours: Mon. – Sun. 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
It is dedicated to the elaboration of wine and pisco. It was owned by the Jesuits during Colonial times, and the mansion and the old stables of the epoch still remain.

-Ocucaje Bodega
Avenida Principa. 34 km / 21 miles southwest of Ica (45 minutes). Telephone: (056) 40-8011 / 40-8012. Fax: (056) 40-8018. Visiting hours: Mon. – Fri. 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sat. 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
The bodega demonstrates long used traditional techniques of the department for the production of pisco and wine.

-Traditional Wine Producing Bodegas
In these bodegas, they elaborate pisco in the traditional way using distillers made during the Colonial time. In the Ica Valley, there are more than 85 traditional bodegas, the most famous being Lazo, Catador, Sotelo, Alvarez, Mendoza, and Acuache.

-Huacachina Lake
5 km / 3 miles southwest of Ica (5 minutes)
It is a traditional relaxation spot for the people of Ica. The lake looks like an oasis in the middle of a desert, forming a splendid landscape of dunes, palm trees, and acacias. Some people believe the water to have medicinal properties.

-Town of Cachiche
4 km / 2 miles southwest of Ica (5 minutes)
The tradition says that Cachiche was famous for its witches who healed all types of diseases and undid curses. You can see the seven heads palm trees, the (popular name given to this palm tree) the trunk of which produces six further palm trees.

-Los Frailes Megalith Complex
5 km / 3 miles east of Ica (10 minutes)
It is a group of wind eroded, strangely shaped rocks. The figures of a turtle, a monkey's head, a toad, and an astronaut are visible. There is a natural lookout where you can see the entire city of Ica.

-Beaches and Deserts
60 km / 37 miles from Ocucaje (3 hours)
Area of beautiful beaches, perfect for fishing and underwater hunting. It is necessary to take full camping gear since there is no lodging. To reach the area, you must hire a guide and rent a 4 x 4 vehicle. The main beaches are El Morro, El Negro, La Hierba, Lomitas, Oyeros, Antana, Barlovento, and La Cueva. You can also practice sandboard in the desert dunes.


La Compañía Church (Church of the Company of Jesus Christ)
1 block from the Main Square of Pisco. Authorized visits only
It was built in 1723. The interior features altars covered with gold leaves and canvasses of the Cusco School.

Tambo Colorado Archeological Remains
Kilometer marker 45 of the Libertadores Highway
It is a very well preserved Inca urban center, possibly built during the time of the Inca Pachacutec as a lodge for soldiers and high-level authorities.

Paracas National Reserve
250 km / 155 miles south of Lima (3 hours by car)
The reserve's 335.000 hectares is a refuge for fur seals, Humboldt penguins, flamingos (parihuanas), and many other birds. You can visit many different natural and archeological attractions in the reserve. One of them is the El Candelabro (The Candelabra), a geoglyph of more than 120 meters / 394 feet long, better appreciated from the ocean. Another place to visit is La Catedral (The Cathedral), a vast rocky formation eroded by the wind and the ocean that shelters marine otters or chingungos, a species on the verge of extinction, and other marine birds.

Ballestas Islands
They are located outside the reserve area. They constitute the habitat of a great variety of birds and sea lions, which you can approach by motor boat. This excursion is one of the most regular ones from Paracas.

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