

QUITO - Ecuador  

The characteristics of the Andean landscape - powerful hills, deep blue sky, whispering wind harmonize with those narrow small streets that lead to cloisters of faith and bell towers that touch the clouds, giving the city a stirring enchantment, a calm agitation.
The Belligerent volcano Rucu Pichincha (4790 meters of height), protects and threatens the capital of Ecuador, Quito, a city that dazzles by the rosary of churches, convents and monasteries of its colonial helmet, that small piece of the yesterday, that reunites authentic architectonic jewels, winners of the cruel attacks of the time.


Declared by UNESCO Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity in 1978, Quito (2800 m.a.s.l.), is a large city loaded of history. The chronicler say, that before the Spanish foundation in 1534, the general of the Atahualpa Inca, Ruminahui (face of stone), set fire to the palaces and buildings constructed by the "sons of the Sun".

Into the later centuries, the land selected by the Inca Huayna Capac to be the northern capital of its Empire, became with the sprouting of the School of Quito, in the heart of the art and the sculpture of Spanish America. The created masterpieces in this corner of the andes, united the European baroque style with the creativity of the men of the height. Quito, by its friendly people, its spring climate, its colonial shades that are opposed to the amazing buildings of the present, is one of those rare cities, that can seduce, enchant and - why not also to conquer, the nomadic heart of a traveller.

Islas Galápagos - Ecuador  

Giving yourself to the sea and its eternal swing to discover the enigmas of a volcanic archipelago, in which thousands of giant turtles exist, iguanas of prehistoric origin that are"bathing in the sun" in cliffs and birds of bivouacs colors or tenebrous plumage, that do not get tired of flying and excite the wind.

By its spectacular landscaping wealth and the great variety of its flora and fauna, the Galapagos islands - located more than 950 kilometers off the coast of Ecuador- are an obsession and an inescapable destination for the explorers and travellers that yearn getting closer with nature.



Considered like an outdoors laboratory, this archipelago of the Pacific Ocean has 125 islands (5 lived) and small barren islands of volcanic origin, that have emerged from the bottom of the sea about 3 to 5 million years back. Its total surface is of 8,009 square kilometers , 97% of which comprise the National Park Galapagos. It was in these islands, discovered in 1535 by the Spanish clergyman Fray Tomas de Berlanga, where the famous naturalist Charles Darwin found the foundations that sustained the theories of his revolutionary the origin of the species, book published in 1859, 24 years after the author disembarked for the first time in Galapagos.

To discover, to investigate, and to be part of a unique adventure in a unique and exotic place: Galapagos islands and its natural enchantments.



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