Camino Inca a Machu Picchu - 02 días / 01 noche

Incluye: Guía castellano/inglés. Ingresos a Camino Inca y Machu Picchu. Bus de bajada 1er. día. Bus subida y bajada 2do. día.Traslados Hotel/Estación/Hotel. Tren Back packer ida y vuelta. Alimentación 01 box lunch, 01 cena y 01 desayuno. Hostal en Aguas Calientes. Notas: No incluye Hotel en Cusco ni tarifa aérea.

Cuzco Básico - 03 días / 02 noches

Incluye: Traslados de llegada y salida. Excursión combinada (ciudad + ruinas de los alrededores). Excursión a Machu Picchu + 01 almuerzo. Entradas, ticket de tren Backpacker y guías oficiales de turismo. 02 noches de alojamiento en el Hostal San Isidro Labrador o Royal Inti, incluye desayunos. Notas: Tarifa por persona en habitación doble. No incluye tarifa aérea ni impuestos de uso de aeropuerto.

Cuzco Completo - 04 días / 03 noches

Incluye: Traslado de llegada y de salida. Excursión combinada (ciudad + ruinas de los alrededores). Full day tour a Machu Picchu con almuerzo en tren Backpacker. Entradas, traslado y guías oficiales de turismo. Tour Valle Sagrado con almuerzo. 03 noches de alojamiento en Hotel San Isidro Labrador o Royal Inti. Desayunos diarios. Notas: No incluye tarifa aérea ni impuesto de uso de aeropuerto.



The City of Cusco , declared as "THE CULTURAL PATRIMONY OF THE WORLD". Also considered to be the "THE ARCHEOLOGICAL CAPITAL OF SOUTH AMERICA", undoubtelly represents the biggest tourist attraction in Perú. The city is filled with Inca History and architecture, including the immense Sacsayhuaman Fortress, the Q'enqo amphitheater , the ruins of Puca-Pucara and Tambomachay with its suggestive waterfalls. In the Churches, which quite often were built by the Catholic conquerors over Inca temples, excellent works of art from the Cusco school and pagan image.

The surrounding areas are rich in history as the city is itself. To the south are the ruins of Piquillacta, a small Inca village, and the colonial church of Andahuaylillas. To the north is the Sacred Valley of the Inkas, irrigated by the Urubamba river, where picturesque towns such as Pisac, with its important ruins and its colorfull Sunday market are located.

Machupicchu, named the Lost City of the Inkas, was discovered in 1911 by a Hiram Bingham. It is situated at an altitude of 2,400 mts. = 8,000 ft. above sea level. Its climate is semi-tropical. This monumental archeological unit comprises palaces, temples, plazas, dwellings, steps and terraces. The full-day excursion begins in Cusco, taking the train very early in the morning and riding through the impressive Sacred Valley of the Inkas. Upon arrival in the ruins a walking tour is provided and those tourist who have more time available are strongly recommended to stay overnight at the Hotel to have the opportunity to climb Huayna Picchu or to hike to Wiñay Wayna.


A full-day of adventure rafting the Urubamba River in the heart of the Sacred Valley of the Incas. Viewing wildlife and native people.Late in the afternoon return to Cusco.

BIKING In the morning a very exciting excursion by bycicle to the archeological park of Piquillacta pre-Inca city of great interest, located in the south of Cusco in the outskirts of a beautiful lake of Huacarpay. We will visit the beatiful Chapel of Andahuaylillas, named the "Sistine Chapel of Peru".The bike riding is easy and there's a few climming.There will be a car to assiste passengers.

In the morning a very interesting excursion by horse.Horse riding in the valleys of Cusco to visit the principal arquelogical group including Sacsayhuaman, Tambomachay, Q'enqo and Puca-pucara.

An experienced bi-lingual leader accompanies the group, assisted by a cook and several camp helpers who are responsible for food preparation and setting up camp. Members are free to enjoy the montain without concern about logistic problems. A typical day on the trail begins at 7:00 a.m. a nourishing hot breakfast is served, tents are taken down and the days walk begins. Around noon we break for a leisurely lunch, a time to get some sun or just relax. At 4:00 p.m. we stop for the night, with time to explore and visit the ruins nearby.

Evenings are free to spend around the fire. The main characteristic of this territory is the sudden change in geography from the snow-covered Andean peaks to the lush Amazonian plains. The Inka trail formed an important communication and transportation link within the empire, connecting Cusco and Machupicchu. Although steep in places, Inca engineers designed it for efficient foot travel with carefully constructed stone staircases and tunnels.The important archeologycal groups we will visit in this adventure are: Llactapata, Runkurakay, Phuyupatamarca, Huiñay Huayna and finally Inti Punco to arrive in Machupicchu.



-Main Square, Cusco
During the Inca Empire, the square was called Huacaypata, a Quechua word meaning “place of tears” or “meeting place”. It was an important ceremonial spot where the Inti Raymi or Festival of the Sun was celebrated every year. It is also the place where Franciso Pizarro proclaimed the conquest of Cusco. After the Spanish arrived, the plaza changed. They erected stone arches and built the structures that surround it today.

-Cathedral of Cusco
Visiting hours: Mon. – Sat. 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Sun. and Holidays 2:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
The building went through two construction stages: first, the Chapel of the Triumph was built on top of what used to be the temple Suntar Wasi (House of God); later, the cathedral itself was built over the remains of the palace of Inca Wiracocha. A Renaissance building in its majority, the interior decoration is rich in cedar and alder woodcarvings. The choir and the pulpit stand out for their beauty. An important collection of paintings from the Cusco School and silver wrought pieces are also kept there.

-Templo de la Compañía de Jesús (Church of the Company of Jesus Christ)
Main Square
The original building was raised in 1571 on the grounds of the ancient palace of Inca Huayna Cápac, the Amarucancha. After the earthquake of 1650, it was rebuilt around 1688. The design and the façade are examples of Andean Baroque. The retable style entrance is decorated with medium size towers and the stonewalls are carefully worked. Once inside, the triple bodied upper altar with salomonic columns, the wooden pulpit, and numerous Baroque, Plateresque, and Churrigueresque shrines catch the eye. The most remarkable work of art is “El matrimonio de Martín García de Loyola con Beatriz Clara Coya“ (The Wedding of Martín García de Loyola with Beatriz Clara Coya).

-Barrio de San Blas (San Blas Neighborhood)
4 blocks from the Main Square
It is one of the most picturesque areas in all of Cusco. It is called T'oqokachi or Salt Hole and is characterized by narrow, steep streets and beautiful Colonial houses. It is also known as the Artisans Neighborhood. In San Blas many families accommodate guests in their homes.

-Church of San Blas
Plaza San Blas. Visiting hours: Mon. – Wed. and Fri. – Sun. 10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. Mon. Sun. 2:00 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.
Founded in 1560 during the Colonial period, it features a masterpiece in its wood carved Baroque pulpit, attributed to the Indigenous artist, Diego Quispe Tito.

-Church and Convent of La Merced
Calle Mantas. Visiting hours: Mon. – Sun. 8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
The Baroque church was built between 1657 and 1680. The sacristy holds its most precious treasure: an impressive gold and gemstones encrusted monstrance, 1,3 meters / 3 feet high and of 22 kilos. It is crowned with one large mermaid shaped pearl, considered the second largest in the world.

-Church and Convent of Santo Domingo / Koricancha
Plaza Intipampa, corner of Avenida El Sol and Calle Santo Domingo. Visiting hours: Mon. – Sat. 8:30 A.M. – 6:30 P.M. and Sun. 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
The Koricancha was one of the most impressive buildings of Inca Cusco according to the historians: the glowing gilding of the interior walls illuminated what used to be the main temple dedicated to the worship of the Sun God. The Spanish built the church and Dominican convent on top of the original structure around 1534 but they collapsed during the earthquake of 1650 and were rebuilt around 1681. The convent possesses an art gallery of valuable seventeenth and eighteenth century canvasses.

-Church and Convent of Santa Catalina
Calle Santa Catalina Angosta. Visiting hours: Mass times
These two buildings were raised in 1605 on what used to be the Acllahuasi or House of the Chosen Women (acllas were women designated to accomplish special tasks for the Inca). The architecture is late Renaissance and is characterized by the Roman arches. Inside, you can still see traces of the original construction. There is also an exhibition room for murals, fine metal works, textiles, sculptures, and altarpieces.

-Santa Catalina Museum
Calle Santa Catalina Angosta. Visiting hours: Mon. – Sat. 9:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. and Fri. 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Here they exhibit paintings, textiles, woodcarvings, and Colonial altarpieces. The best among them are Diego Quispe Tito's paintings, the Arcade carpet, and religious ornaments made of gold and silver threads.

-Church and Convent of San Francisco
Plaza San Francisco. Visiting hours: Mon. – Sat. 9:00 A.M. – 5:30 P.M.
Founded in 1645, it has two façades and a single, old Spanish style stone tower. The monumental painting, 12 x 9 meters / 39 x 30 feet, by Juan Espinoza de los Monteros relating the genealogy of the Franciscan family is the highlight of the convent.

-Palacio Arzobispal y Piedra de los Doce Ángulos
(Archbishop's House and the Twelve-Angle Stone)
Intersection of Calle Hatunrumiyoc and Jiron Herrajes. Visiting hours: Mon. – Sat. 8:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.
This Vice-royal building with Arabic influence was raised on the foundations of the palace of Inca Roca. Presently, it is the main centre of the Museum of Religious Art. On Calle Hatunrumiyoc, you can see an old Inca wall that was part of the Inca Roca palace and demonstrates the admirable construction skill of the Inca in terms of polished and perfectly placed stones. The most remarkable part is the “Twelve-Angle Stone”, famous for the perfect work and assembling of its angles.

-Palacio del Almirante (Admiral's Palace)
Calle Cuesta del Almirante 153. Visiting hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Sat. and holidays 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
It is an old mansion, which today is the site of the Inca Museum. It contains an important archeological collection that includes ceramic, fine metal, and textile pieces as well as mummies.

-House of the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Calle Heladeros. Visiting hours: Mon. – Sat. 9:00 A.M. – 5:30 P.M.
Born on April 12, 1539, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega was the son of the Spanish Captain Garcilaso de la Vega y Vargas and the Cusco princess, Chimpu Ocllo. He is the author of two works, “Comentarios Reales” (Royal Commentaries) and “La Florida del Inca” (The Inca Flower), both motivated by the necessity to recover the history of the Inca Empire. The house is the current location of the Regional Historical Museum that contains a collection of canvasses from the Cusco School.

-Larco Museum of Pre-Colombian Art
Plaza Nazarenas 231. Telephone: (084) 23-3210. Visiting hours: Mon. – Sun. and holidays 9:00 A.M. – 11:00 P.M.Ç
The mansion that shelters the museum was Kancha Inca in 1450, the house of the Conquistador Alonso Díaz in 1580, the home of Count de la Cabrera in 1850, and was completely restored to become the Museum of Pre-Colombian Art in June 2003. In its 11 rooms, 450 works of art are displayed that date from 1250 B.C. to 1532 A.D. These were selected from a group of 45.000 objects belonging to the collection of the Larco Archeological Museum in Lima.

-Sacsayhuaman Archeological Complex
2 km / 1 mile northeast of Cusco (10 minutes by car). Visiting hours: Mon. – Sun. and holidays 7:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
The area contains thirty-three archeological sites. The most famous is Fort Sacsayhuaman. It might well have been a religious structure, but for its location and style, the Spanish and the historians believe it was a military construction. The most important temple in Hanan Qosqo or Upper Cusco might have been located there, dedicated to Andean cosmology and to the worship of the Inti (sun), the Quilla (moon), Chaska (stars), Illapa (ray), and other divinities. It is described as massive for the size of some of its stones, which weigh between 90 and 120 tons. This is also the stage of the Inti Raymi or Festival of the Sun every 24th June.

-Qenko Archeological Complex
3 km / 2 miles northwest of Cusco (15 minutes by car). Visiting hours: Mon. – Sun. and holidays 7:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
The Qenko or “labyrinth” might date from around 1500 A.D. It is considered a holy place where ceremonies honoring the sun, moon, and the stars used to take place.

-Pukapukara Archeological Complex
7 km / 4 miles northeast of Cusco (30 minutes by car or 2 hours on foot)
The complex contains several rooms, inner plazas, aqueducts, vantage points, and pathways. It might have served as a tambo or rest and lodging area. According to the tale, each time the Inca was able to go to Tambomachay, he would be accompanied by a large cortège, which stayed at Pukapukara. It is also called a fort because of its fortified-city appearance.

-Tambomachay Archeological complex
8 km / 4 miles northwest of Cusco (35 minutes by car)
Tambomachay might have fulfilled an important religious function linked to water and the regeneration of the land. Some scholars believe it was built around 1500 A.D., closely linked with Pukapukara. The area covers about one hectare, and was made out of polygonal shaped set limestone.

-Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
It was part of the Inca highway system (Qhapaq Ñan) and is one of the most important South American trekking routes. Along the hike, you can see several gorges and streams that originate from glaciers. There are twelve archeological monuments along the trail, such as Qoriwachayrachina, Patallaqta, Runkuraqay, Sayacmarca, Phuyupatamarca, Intipunku, Intipata, and Wiñayhuayna.
The starting point of the trip varies according to the trail you wish to take. The most popular route starts around kilometer marker 82 of the railroad Cusco – Machu Picchu (40 km / 25 miles from the citadel itself). Another possibility, shorter in time, is called the Sacred Trail, and begins at kilometer marker 104 of the railroad.

-Awanakancha South American Camelids Theme Park
23 km / 14 miles from Cusco in the district of Taray. Telephone: (084) 23-1473. Email: capexca@awanacancha.com Website: www.awanakancha.com
Camelids such as llamas, vicuñas, and alpacas are to be seen there in their native environment. They also demonstrate how to make clothing from the wool fibers of the animals. In addition, you can see native flowers and some Inca-built agricultural terraces.

-City of Urubamba (2871 masl / 9419 fasl)
78 km / 48 miles northwest of Cusco on the route to Pisac (1 hour and 25 minutes by car). Another route is the one via Chinchero (57 km / 35 miles or 45 minutes by car)
It is located in the heart of the SacredValley. Before the Incas, it was a very important agricultural center. Today, the economy is based on farming and tourism, and the city itself is known for being one of the friendliest in the valley. Good tourist services are available in Urubamba.

-Village of Chinchero (3772 masl / 12.375 fasl)
28 km / 17 miles northwest of Cusco (45 minutes by car)
A must see is the Colonial church where beautiful paintings of the CuscoSchool are kept. Every Sunday, the farmers and businessmen gather to exchange their products in a fair where they still barter. There are important archeological vestiges in the area.

-Village of Maras
48 km / 30 miles northwest of Cusco (1 hour by car)
During the Vice royal period, it was a very important town. This can be seen in the church and mansions that feature the coats of arms of the Indigenous nobility on their fronts. Farming is the main economic activity.

68 km / 42 miles north of Cusco (1 hour and 30 minutes by car)
According to the legends, the town was the personal property of Huayna Cápac. In earlier times, it was considered a very important agricultural and hydraulic technology center. Here, you can admire the palace of Inca Manco Sayri Túpac.

-Maras Salt-mines
10 km / 6 miles from Maras (30 minutes by car or 2 hours on foot)
Also called Salinas de Maras, these salt-mines have been used since the Tahuantinsuyo. The people channel the salt water that bubbles to the surface from a spring called Qoripujio towards men-made wells. From the exposure to the sun, the water evaporates and the salt remains on the surface to be transported later to the market to be sold. The view of this complex of nearly 3000 wells is spectacular. The local people happily demonstrate the ancient techniques to visitors, even allowing them to participate in them.

-Moray Archeological Complex
9 km / 6 miles northwest of Maras (25 minutes by car)
There are four slightly elliptical agricultural terraces, that the people call muyus. The largest structure is 45 meters / 148 feet deep, and the average height of each terrace is 2 meters / 3 feet. Many think that this place was an important agricultural experimentation center for the Incas. Through the use of concentric terraces and because the temperature is different in each of their level, all the ecological tiers found in the confines of the Tahuantinsuyo Empire would have been reproduced in this complex.

-Ollantaytambo Archeological Complex
97 km / 60 miles northwest of Cusco (2 hours and 30 minutes by car)
The Incas built it as a fort that included a temple, agricultural terraces, and an urban area. There are two distinct sectors: Araqama Ayllu, the religious and worship zone, and Qosqo Ayllu, the residential area. Ollantaytambo was an important administrative center with probable military functions if one considers the walls and towers. There are also traces of ancient roads and aqueducts. The town of Ollantaytambo is called a LivingIncaTown since the inhabitants maintain very old practices and customs. From Ollantaytambo, you can visit the village of Willoc, where the Quechua-speaking inhabitants distinguish themselves from the rest of the region by wearing red clothing that identifies them as members of a unique family.

-Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary
110 km / 68 miles northwest of Cusco (4 hours by train) to the village of Machu Picchu and then another 8 km / 5 miles to the citadel (20 minutes by bus)
Machu Picchu is an impressive Inca citadel placed on the side of a mountain. Its Quechua name means “Old Mountain”, but it is also known as “the Lost City of the Incas” since it remained hidden from the West until discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911. It was built in the fifteenth century, and is attributed to the Inca Pachacutec. The archeological complex is divided into two zones that are contained within approximately twenty hectares. On the sides of the mountain, you can see up to four meters high (13 feet) agricultural terraces. Several plazas and buildings, the most important being the Temple of the Sun, the Intihuatana or solar clock and calendar, the Temple of the Three Windows, the Main Temple and the Condor Sector, make up the urban sector. There is also an impressive monolith of carved stone, three meters high (10 feet) and seven meters wide (23 feet) at the base, named the Sacred Stone. In order to build Machu Picchu, the Incas had to use blocks of stone brought from long distances. The finish of the walls features different quality levels and techniques. One of the highest quality walls is the central one of the MainTemple where the stones fit together perfectly.

The Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary in not only a priceless archeological site, it is also associated with rich animal and plant life. In 1983, UNESCO placed it on the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Lists.

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