Apurimac means the "Great Oracle ". Its real geography is a crazy geography like a coffre carved between the huge mountains, deep kuts and where the time seems has stopped. The wise Antonio Raymondi named "like wrinkled paper". Here are the villages and towns with the same costumes from many centuries with their fiesta, songs with the same traditions. Apurimac is the land of "Chancas" the brave tribe that almost defeated the Inkas.We recommend:

- The Tanahuasi Ruins
- The Apurímac River
- Ccnoc
- River Rafting
- The Salhuite Stone (the topographical model of Apurímac

ABANCAY- "the Valley of the White Lilies" in the Quechua language, needs no further arguments to entice the traveler. Founded in 1574, this colorful city, capital of the department of Apurímac, is famous for its superb local cuisine. The city is overshadowed by a towering peak, Mount Ampay (5,235 meters), a magical mountain which ensures the region enjoys one of the mildest climates in the Peruvian highlands. The mountain is located within the Ampay National Sanctuary, a protected area that is home to natural forests lakes and snowclad peaks.


Tourist Attractions:

-Ampay National Sanctuary
5 km / 3 miles north of Abancay (10 minutes by car) is the ecological station where the 1.5-km hike (1 mile) to LakeAngascocha begins.
This protected area covers 3635 hectares and is located at altitudes ranging from 2880 to 3800 masl (9446 to 12.464 fasl). The sanctuary mainly protects the intimpa (Podocarpus glomeratus don), an endangered conifer tree, as well as other plant species like orchids, bromeliads, and ferns. The local wildlife includes foxes, deer, spectacled bears, vizcachas, pumas, bobcats, skunks, partridges, and owls.

-Cconoc Hot Springs
90 km/ 56 miles east of Abancay (2 hours by bus) is Curahuasi and another 7 km / 4 miles (45 minutes by bus) will take you to the hot springs.
These are found next to the ApurimacRiver and are surrounded by carob trees, giant reeds, and cacti. People say that these hot springs cure arthritis, muscle aches, rheumatism, and other disorders. The odorless waters have a pleasant salty taste.

-Apurimac River Canyon
73 km / 45 miles northeast of Abancay (2 hours and 30 minutes by bus)
This constitutes the border between the Departments of Cusco and Apurimac. The canyon is one of the deepest on the American continent and possibly in the world. The deep gorge, along the Abancay-Cusco route, is one of the places from which you can best admire its beauty. The ApurimacRiver violently flows down from the height of 5000 masl (16.400 fasl) towards a gigantic gorge, which is one of the most impressive spectacles in nature. The river is ideal for whitewater rafting for its category II and IV rapids.

-Saywite Archaeological Complex
47 km / 29 miles northeast of Abancay (1 hour by car)
This 60-hectare archeological complex located at 2400 masl (7872 fasl) houses the Saywite Stone, or main monolith, of 2.5 meters in height (8 feet) featuring carvings that represent the geography and environment of the area. Inside the complex, you can see a succession of nine springs as well as a series of minor monoliths associated with another group of springs, an altar or ushnu formed by a 18 x 34 meter (59 x 112 feet) rectangular platform that was related to the worship of the sun and to astronomical observation, and the Intihuatana, a stone block carved with various patterns.


ANDAHUAYLAS - Tourist Attractions:

-City of Andahuaylas
138 km / 86 miles from Abancay (6 hours by car)
Its main church is the Cathedral of San Pedro, and the Colonioal architectural style prevails in the city. In the Main Square, there is a fountain built from just one piece of stone.

-El ChumbaoColonialBridge
Located in Andahuaylas, crossing the ChumbaoRiver
It is one of the access points to the HuancabambaAirport and to the area of Pampachiri, Puquio, Nasca, and Lima. The architectural style is mainly Colonial, and the buildings are made of freestone. There is also an entirely carved stone path in the city.

-Sanctuary of Campanayocc
5 km / 3 miles from Andahuaylas (30 minutes by car)
The construction of this modern chapel was completed in 1995. It gathers a great number of believers and faithful, especially on its main celebration day, 14th September. It is a natural lookout to admire the city of Andahuaylas and the impressive landscapes of the ChumbaoRiver valley.

-Sondor Archeological Complex
21 km / 13 miles northeast of Andahuaylas (30 minutes by car), you find LakePacucha and from there you need to walk 2 km more (1 miles) (30 minutes) to reach the archeological site.
The complex covers some 10 hectares and is located above 3200 masl (10.496 fasl). The constructions originally belonged to the Chanca culture (600 A.D. – 900 A.D.) but were later occupied by the Incas. They are pyramid-shaped and surrounded by walls and terraces that end in platforms with wide-open spaces. Judging by the location and the form of the central pyramid and by the strategic view towards LakePacucha, religious activities could have taken place in Sondor.

17 km / 11 miles northeast of Andahuaylas (45 minutes by bus)
This lake, located at 3200 masl (10.496 fasl), is characterized by its intense blue water and by the yellow colored sand banks and totora reeds, home to different species of ducks, that surround it.

-Pancula / Pampa de Pabellones
130 km / 81 miles from Andahuaylas (4 hours by car) and 1 hour on a packed dirt road from the District of Pampachiri
Located at 3600 masl (11.808 fasl) this impressive stone forest is famous for its amazing natural formations, pyramid shapes and other spectacular motifs. In some cases, they look like fascinating charming hillocks. It covers an approximate area of 60 hectares of tourist attraction for adventure and meditation.



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